emma-thompsonContinuing Podium’s tradition of mainly employing women who share their name with well-known actresses, we would like to introduce Emma Thompson, our new account exec and online content superstar.

Over to you, Emma…

Career background?

I completed my undergraduate degree in journalism in the US, working at the campus newspaper while waitressing to support myself. I then worked in real estate for a while, doing everything from social networking to accounting.

I recently moved to the UK and completed a masters in E-Business and E-marketing at Newcastle uni. After doing digital marketing and PR for a cybersecurity organization for about a year, I started taking on some of my own clients and have now found my place “on the Podium!”

Tell us a bit about where you’re from, including three interesting facts about your home state?

Minnesota: the land of 10,000 lakes – seriously, we have lakes like England has puddles. I grew up in Duluth on the Western tip of Lake Superior, so we got lake effect snow that comes up to your shoulders, resulting in somewhat regular snow days off school. You may have heard of Duluth in the show Fargo (which is actually a somewhat accurate representation…). Minnesota is also notably home to the Spam Museum!

Describe your perfect Saturday night?

After spending the day walking the beach and getting macaroons from the Tynemouth market, make a big meal and cuddle up to watch a movie with my hubby.

Can you tell us a joke?

No, but I just googled this festive one: What’s a ghost’s favourite ride at the carnival? The roller ghoster!!

Favourite car you’re ever owned, and why?

When I turned 16, my parents bought me a beautiful 2005 Volkswagen Beetle. It was absolutely lovely until I crashed it a month later.

Once it was fixed, it had quite a bit of character: on different occasions I lost the door and a headlight. But it brought me across the country on an epic road trip and the flower vase was always full.

What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on?

I just got back from tour-guiding my English friends around the Southwestern United States. We went boating on Lake Powell, had tequila for dinner in San Diego, ran around Disney Land and drove down Lombard Street in San Francisco. It was incredibly tiring but so much fun.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

To be able to hear anyone’s music on their headphones… and change the song with my mind.

You have to eat the same meal every night for the rest of your life – what do you order?

