Andy Thevarokiam

Career background?
Following two years in Norwich on the Aviva marketing graduate scheme, I returned to the North East to switch from client side to agency side. This led to me working for a huge range of small clients up to blue chips and as diverse as coffin manufacturers, online retailers through to global engineering and financial services providers. A few further agency and in-house roles led to meeting my current business partners in 2010 and the start-up of BIM Creative in May 2012. We are two this month and we haven’t looked back as we grow from strength to strength.

Role at BIM Creative?
Managing director – I’m responsible for business development, technical search work and overall client strategy.

If you could give someone starting out in business one tip, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid of making yourself look stupid – sometimes the most creative ideas and the best campaigns have started this way!

Describe your perfect Saturday night?
I like to think I’m young enough to still party the night away and on rare occasions, I still do, but now the perfect Saturday night is a meal out (or in) with my wife and daughter.

Can you tell us a joke?
Long standing joke in our house is a bit of a visual one but I’ll try and do it justice here.

Two turtles are standing in the rain, the first turtle says to the second turtle, [stick bottom lip out] “Do you find, that when it rains, water runs into your mouth?” The second turtle says [stick top lip out] “No.”

….ok, so I find it funny.

What do you drive/or favourite car you’ve ever owned?
The RX8 that I had for a couple of years has got to be the favourite. The power and noise for such a small engine was unbelievable and I sat with a grin on my face most times I was in that car.

Best holiday you’ve ever been on?
The Maldives – my idea of bliss: no shoes, no phone signal and the ultimate paradise.

Cheese or chocolate?
Cheese – but only melted.

Favourite sport?
Watching – F1. Playing – Sadly, not a lot apart from pool or darts in the pub.
